Bregado Flax Educational Center - Class Rehabilitation Project
Rotary Club Sunrise, in partnership with Minister of Education and Culture Honorable Myron Walyrn, HMPS Rehabilitation Team, and Rotaract Club of Virgin Gorda, gave a facelift to a classroom on the Bregado Flax Primary School campus. During Phase 1 of the project, the prison inmates applied their masonry, electrical and carpentry skills to install new windows and repair electrical outlets. Sunrise Rotarians and VG Rotaractors assisted with clean up, painting and providing food and water for hungry volunteers.

Rotary Club Sunrise, in partnership with Minister of Education and Culture Honorable Myron Walyrn, HMPS Rehabilitation Team, and Rotaract Club of Virgin Gorda, gave a facelift to a classroom on the Bregado Flax Primary School campus. During Phase 1 of the project, the prison inmates applied their masonry, electrical and carpentry skills to install new windows and repair electrical outlets. Sunrise Rotarians and VG Rotaractors assisted with clean up, painting and providing food and water for hungry volunteers.